Congratulations and thank you for registering for PlayMind for WorkMartyrs!

We’re so excited to go on this FREE 21-day online journey with you on May 1st - 21st at 08:00 am EST.

Together we’re going to explore simple, powerful, and reliable methods of relief, recovery, healing,
and transformation on all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes. 

You have FULL ACCESS to ALL 25 interviews to watch as many times as you like, at ANYTIME.

Check Your inbox for the link!

Make a difference with a donation of any amount. Participate wholeheartedly.
Patron the next project. Every contribution counts.

In the meantime: Prepare for the PlayMind Series:

A little tip to prepare:
Have a place that is quiet and comfortable, where you won’t be disturbed.
We are looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

See you soon!
Tchera Niyego

You have FULL ACCESS to ALL 25 interviews to watch as many times as you like, at ANYTIME.
Make a difference with a donation of any amount. Participate wholeheartedly.
Patron the next project. Every contribution counts.

© Copyright 2024 Tchera Niyego. All Rights Reserved.